...三八”国际妇女节 成都高新音乐人推出原创英文MV《Meet you...

I want to stay here with you 我只想与你停留在此 Embracing each season day and night 共同度过每一个四季 The days just keep going by 日子总是一天一天的过去 Treasure every day...

“At the age when I first fell in love,I met you in Chengdu,your soft and flowing hair waved,Your thin and long eyebrows curved……”一年一度的“三八”国际妇女节即将来临,3...

Watching everyday you goes by 眼睁睁看着时光流逝 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 'Til i get you back I'm gonna try 扪心自问还是希望你回来,我都快要哭了 I miss you much 我是如此地想念你 You are the apple on my eye 你是我的宝贝儿 I miss you much 我是...

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